Warby Street Vets COVID-19 Protocol Update
At Warby Street Veterinary Hospital we are trying our best to keep everyone safe while continuing to care for your pets and livestock. We have temporarily made a few changes to how we operate:
- Please phone ahead (5721 7177) BEFORE coming to the clinic for any reason. This includes before you come in to pick up medication or pet food.
- When you arrive at the clinic please STAY BY YOUR CAR and phone us (remember to bring your mobile with you). We will come out to you.
- If you have an appointment, the vet will come out to your car to chat to you. They will then bring your pet indoors for examination and treatment while you wait in your car. Afterwards, the vet will bring your pet back out to you.
- When paying we would prefer that you use card or direct internet transfer rather than cash or cheque. We have an eftpos machine that we can bring out to your car.
- We are still doing farm visits and housecalls as usual, but will be asking you a few risk assessment questions before each visit.
- Please try to keep six feet away from staff members and other clients at all times, including during house calls or farm visits.
Thank you for your understanding. We really appreciate your help in our attempts to protect the vulnerable members of our community, and to maintain Australia’s wonderful efforts in keeping the rate of COVID-19 infection so low.